




Calgon Carbon Corporation will conduct its business worldwide with a commitment to safeguard people and the environment. Good environmental, health, safety and security performance as well as a commitment to the Guiding Principles of Responsible Care® is critical to the success of our business and is the responsibility of every Calgon Carbon employee.

In accordance with our policy, Calgon Carbon will:

  • Strive to continuously improve and enhance our products, processes, and performance in regards to environmental protection, including pollution prevention, product safety and stewardship, process safety and security.
  • Conduct our business worldwide in full compliance with all applicable environmental, health, safety and security laws, regulations and other requirements and apply responsible standards where such laws or regulations do not exist.
  • Perform our functions in a manner that protects the health and safety of our customers, employees, contractors and neighbors.
  • Pursue our business in a way that achieves economic goals while simultaneously addressing safety, environmental and sustainability objectives and targets.
  • Make environmental, health, safety and security concerns an integral part of our business planning, development and decision making.
  • Provide leadership, professional staff, training, support and other resources necessary for the implementation of environmental, health, safety and security programs that are designed to ensure each individual’s knowledge of their responsibilities.
  • Communicate openly with our customers, employees, contractors, neighbors, appropriate officials and public interest groups regarding significant safety or environmental matters.

Each member of management responsible for an operation is in turn responsible for environmental, health, safety and security performance of that operation and the employees involved.

If you need to obtain the most current Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for your product(s), please contact us and let us know how we could be of further assistance.


Randall S. Dearth

Chairman, President &

Chief Executive Officer


James A. Coccagno

Executive Vice President

Core Carbon & Services


Robert M. Fortwangler

Senior Vice President &

Chief Financial Officer


Stevan R. Schott

Executive Vice President

Advanced Materials,

Manufacturing & Equipment


Chad Whalen

Senior Vice President

General Counsel & Secretary